XML Information Site
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is one of the most widely used technologies on the Internet. It is used for storing configuration data, marking up text with attributes and links, storing data contained in word processing or other documents, transmit information between two devices, etc.
This section does not attempt to teach users XML: there are plenty of web sites that do that. However, we cover topics of interest as they related to the purpose of Packetizer: the use of XML within communication systems.
XML has long been regarded as a syntax that can potentially be used for communication systems, but network bandwidth has always made XML prohibitively large for such a task. However, with every increasing bandwidth and accepted technologies for compressing XML, along with the significantly improved tools for parsing XML, it is now a viable syntax for multimedia communication systems. Among the first such protocols to use XML was XMPP, defined in RFC 6120 and related RFCs.