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Writing Code for the Next Person

By: Paul E. Jones

Commenting Code

One of the most important things one can do is to comment code. There are a few reasons, but let's start with this trivial code example that helps to make it clear why.

Source Code

START       ORCC    #$50
            PSHS    X,D
            LDX     $10D
            STX     RETAD
            LDX     #INT
            STD     $10D
            LDX     #MSG
LOOP1       LDA     ,X+
            BEQ     EXIT1
            JSR     [$A002]
            BRA     LOOP1
EXIT1       PULS    D,X
            ANDCC   #$AF
RETAD       FDB     0000
MSG         FCC     "This is the message to render"
            FBC     0

This is perfectly good code. I suspect most developers can recognize that this is assembly code for some processor, but what does this do?

Maybe you might consider it unfair to expect anyone to know an old assembly language, but the reality is that not every programmer knows the syntax of every language, knows every processor, understands the purpose of a every function, object, module, or whatever.

Sometimes, all it takes is just a little documentation to make the purpose clear. Consider the following version.

Source Code

START       ORCC    #$50        Disable interrupts
            PSHS    X,D         Push registers onto the stack
            LDX     $10D        Load the current interrupt address
            STX     RETAD       Store it for later use
            LDX     #INT        Load the address of our interrupt routine
            STD     $10D        Direct interrupts to our routine
            LDX     #MSG        Load the address of the message to display
LOOP1       LDA     ,X+         Loop while rendering each character
            BEQ     EXIT1
            JSR     [$A002]     Call ROM routine to render the character
            BRA     LOOP1
EXIT1       PULS    D,X         Pull registers off the stack
            ANDCC   #$AF        Enable interrupts
            RTS                 Return
RETAD       FDB     0000        Place to store IRQ address
MSG         FCC     "This is the message to render"
            FBC     0

There is more to the program, of course, most important being the interrupt handler this code inserts into the interrupt chain. In fact, that missing part is the bulk of the program. But, this snippet is sufficient to illustrate how useful comments can be.

Some might argue that this level of commenting is overkill. Sometimes it is, but sometimes it's necessary. If one is familiar with this processor, one would know what PSHS/PULS does, so documenting those lines may not be so important. However, the ORCC line is non-obvious without the comment for even many people who might know this particular processor's assembly language. The JSR [$A002] line is specific to a particular computer, so it is even less obvious.

I have shown this example to colleagues in the past as a means of making it clear why commenting is important. Normally, they see the light once they see the comments beside otherwise undecipherable lines of code.

Commenting and documenting code is important for both sustainability and increased productivity, and this includes files descriptions, function descriptions, inline comments, and system documentation.