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WebFinger Properties

This page enumerates commonly used property values used with the WebFinger protocol. There is also a companion page that enumerates popular WebFinger Link Relations.

WebFinger Properties
Property URI Description The name of the person (or entity) in human readable form (e.g, "John Smith"). The URI may contain a URI fragment to indicate a specific language encooding for the name (e.g., for Simplified Chinese). The preferred name should be present without a URI fragment. The preferred name may be repeated so as to indicate the language used. The date which a user account was activated, presented in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format, where YYYY is the 4-digit year, MM is the two digit month (01-12), DD is the two digit day (01-31), HH is the two digit hour (00-23), MM is the two digit minute (00-59), SS is the two-digit second (00-59) and Z indicated UTC. All dates and time are in UTC time for consistency.

This page is maintained by Paul E. Jones. Please feel free to report an errors directly to me.