H.323 Papers and Presentations
This page provides pointers to various papers and presentations on H.323. Feel free to contribute links to material that you found elsewhere that you think should be listed here.
- Building the H.323 Global Network - 2010
- Into the Cloud - 2010
- Overview of H.323 - 2007
- H.323 Protocol Overview (technical) - 2007
- Understanding VoIP - 2007
- Distributed, Globally Scalable VoIP Communication with H.323 - 2006
- H.323 NAT/FW Traversal with H.460.17, H.460.18, and H.460.19 - 2005
- Traversing Firewalls with Video over IP: Issues and Solutions - 2003
- H.323 Perseveres - 2003
- Basic Architecture of H.323 - 2003
- In Depth H.323 Overview - 2000
- H.323 Primer - 1999
Many more papers and presentations are available at the H.323 Forum archive site.