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Is there any limit to how many H.245 PDUs can be encapsulated in the h245Control field? (Q27)

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There is no limit to the number of PDUs one may encounter in the h245Control field--one, ten, or a thousand. Unlike H.245, H.225.0 never constrains SEQUENCE-OF's. As a result, there is no way to dependably allocate sufficient storage. Moreover, there is absolutely no way to signal to the remote EP the fact that you were unable to process all entries in the h245Control field. The implementor will have to choose a limit and hope for the best. In the case of h245Control, I suppose twenty would be a comfortable limit. Note that this is usually not an issue for desktop machines but is more likely to be for relatively resource-poor entities, such as handheld devices.

Also, this was added to v3. It rather states the obvious, though. 8.2.1/H.323v3: "When an endpoint receives an h245control element encapsulating more than one H.245 PDU, the encapsulated H.245 PDUs shall be processed (i.e. provided to higher layers) sequentially by order of increasing offset from the beginning of the H.225.0 message."