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What do the ARJ reject reasons mean? (Q24)

The information in this article applies to:

It may not be clear from the Recommendation just what the reject reasons mean for the RAS AdmissionReject message. Some reasons also look very similar. Although this table is not normative, it represents the concensus opinion.

AdmissionRejectReason Meaning
calledPartyNotRegistered Called party not registered because it either never was or has not renewed its registration with a keep-alive RRQ.
invalidPermission Call violates some proprietary policy within the gatekeeper that is typically set by the administrator of the network or GK. For example, only certain categories of endpoints may be allowed to use gateway services.
requestDenied The gatekeeper peforms zone bandwidth management, and the bandwidth required for this call would exceed the zone's bandwidth limit.
undefinedReason Used only if none of the other reasons are appropriate.
callerNotRegistered The endpoint asking for permission to be admitted to the call is not registered with the gatekeeper from which it is asking permission.
routeCallToGatekeeper The (registered) endpoint has been sent a Setup message from an unregistered endpoint, and the gatekeeper wishes to route the call-signaling channel.
invalidEndpointIdentifier The endpoint identifier in the ARQ is not the one the gatekeeper assigned to this endpoint in the preceding RCF.
resourceUnavailable Indicates that the gatekeeper does not have the resources, such as memory or administrated capacity, to permit the call. Could possibly also be used in reference to the remote endpoint, although another reason may be more appropriate, such as callCapacityExceeded.
securityDenial In reference to the tokens or cryptoTokens fields, e.g., failed authentication, lack of authorization (permission), failed integrity, or the received crypto parameters are not acceptable or understood. Other reasons for using it include when the password/shared secret is invalid or not available, the endpoint is not allowed to use a service, replay detected, integrity violation detected, digital signature wrong, or certificate expired.
qosControlNotSupported The endpoint specified a transportQOS of gatekeeperControlled in its ARQ, but the gatekeeper cannot or will not provide QoS for this call.
incompleteAddress This is used for "overlapped sending." If there is insufficient addressing information in the ARQ, the gatekeeper responds with the reason set to incompleteAddress. This indicates that the endpoint should send another ARQ when more addressing information is available.
routeCallToSCN Endpoint is to redirect the call to a specified telephone number on the SCN (PSTN). Only used if the ARQ was from an ingress gateway (ARQ.terminalType.gateway was present and answerCall was FALSE).
aliasesInconsistent ARQ.destinationInfo contained multiple aliases that identify different registered endpoints. This is distinct from destinationInfo containing one or more aliases identifying the same endpoint plus additional aliases that the gatekeeper cannot resolve.
exceedsCallCapacity (was callCapacityExceeded) The destination endpoint does not have the capacity to accept the call. This is primarily intended for use with v4 or later gateways that report their call capacity to the gatekeeper.