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Packetizer Mailing Lists

Packetizer News Mailing List

This is a low-volume list will keep you informed about important issues related to cloud computing, multimedia communication, and related topics of internet to Packetizer. We also send news related specifically to Packetizer. Historically, we have not sent more than about 2 or 3 messages per year.

If you wish to join, manage your subscription, or view the mailing list archives, you can do so by visiting this page.

Daily Payload News List

Daily Payload is a web site created by Packetizer to allow people to post news articles related to data security, VoIP, videoconferencing, mobile communications, instant messaging, and Cloud Computing. Each day or so, our systems send an email with a listing of the articles posted since the previous email message, so you can keep up-to-date with industry news and events.

If you wish to join, manage your subscription, or view the mailing list archives, you can do so by visiting this page.

Technology-Specific Lists

If you are looking for mailing lists related to specific technologies, try one of these pages:

Public Service

All Packetizer mailing lists are open to the public who are doing work (or have an interest) in fields related to data security, cloud computing, IP Multimedia Communications, or other emerging technologies covered by Packetizer. If you have a mailing list (or wish to create one) that you think might be of internet to the Packetizer community and would like to find a place to host that list, Packetizer may be willing to host it for you for free. We host a number of lists already at and have ample bandwidth to accommodate additional mailing lists. Please contact us if you need a home for your mailing list.